Yoga to Improve Sleep Disorder - Yoga For Better Sleep
Posted On : 24 October 2018.
Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.
Sleep disorders are no fun. They can leave you high and dry in the morning and restless and desperate at night. The consequences of lack of sleep can be detrimental to health. Studies show that poor sleep habits can make a person age faster. Sleep is essential for a healthy body. Why? When someone sleeps, the body repairs itself on a cellular level. It also removes toxins from the body.
6-8 hours of sleep is necessary for the average person to recover from the day. A good night’s sleep is essential to look good and to bring the necessary relaxation to the body and mind. Regular yoga practice can help with insomnia and abnormal sleep habits. Yoga is more than a gym workout. It helps the practitioner relax the body and the mind.
Here are some poses that can improve your sleep with regular practice:
1. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)
This pose helps stretch the back muscles. It also refreshes the nervous system. The blood supply is increased by stretching the spine. Pay close attention to your lower back and hamstrings when performing this asana. There shouldn’t be any sharp pain in these areas when performing the asana.
2. Cat stretch (Marjariasana)
This is yet another stretch that’s great for stretching and improving the spine's flexibility. This pose also helps massage the digestive organs and improve digestion, which in turn helps improve sleep. It’s also known to improve blood circulation and relax the mind.
3. Child pose (Shishuasana)
Great for deep relaxation and excellent for stretching the back, it can also calm the mind and the body. It creates a positive reaction in the nervous system, which in turn helps provide peaceful sleep at night. This pose is also great for relaxation and recovering after a long day. It gives your lower back muscles a chance to gently stretch out and release any tension accumulated during the day.
4. Butterfly pose (Baddhakonasana)
SSometimes, when you are too tired, sleeping can be difficult. If you are used to standing for extended hours, this stretch can help you stretch and relax the inner thighs, groin and knees. When performing this asana, be careful not to over-stretch your inner thighs. Women should avoid this asana during menstruation.
5. Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparitakarani)
Your legs and feet can get overly tardy if you are very active during the day. This posture is excellent for improving blood circulation to the brain. Proper blood circulation to the brain can relieve mild headaches and calm the mind. Any inversion pose, such as headstand, shoulder stand and Thalassa, can improve blood circulation to the brain. However, if you are a beginner, always take proper precautions and advice before attempting advanced inversions to avoid accidents and injuries.
In the end, it all comes down to your routine. Establishing a standard nighttime routine is one of the most important things you can do to improve your sleep. The body sometimes can use a signal to prepare itself for sleep. Additionally, pranayama practices, such as Nadishodan, can help relieve tension in the body and mind, which is essential for a good night’s sleep.
AYM offers internationally accredited yoga teacher training certificates for 200, 300 and 500 hours. It’s located in beautiful Rishikesh, overlooking the Ganga River, surrounded by lush mountains. If you are an adventure nut or an avid yogi, Rishikesh is a must-visit city. It has been a well-known Indian spiritual centre for centuries. Rishikesh is also a paradise for yoga lovers and ayurvedic treatments. It’s a great location to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get pampered. It’s rich with Indian spiritualism, traditions and tourist attractions. So, you will never get bored while you are in Rishikesh.