Yoga Poses to Practice in the Morning
Posted On : 02 May 2018.
Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.
Beginning your day with yoga asana, you will get the energy you need for the rest of the day. How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day; hence, it is crucial to start your day correctly to pave the way to success. A short and energizing morning yoga routine is the best way to start your day. It does not matter if you are an inexperienced or an advanced yoga practitioner. Everyone can start the day by doing yoga in the morning. Studies show that practicing yoga first thing in the morning can help you lose weight, improve heart health, enhance your metabolism, and give you a toned body.
Yoga helps in getting centered and focused on our inner self for a few moments, resulting in more energy and focus on an entire day. Here are some of the yoga poses to kickstart your day.
Side Stretches and Standing Backbend:
Side stretches and standing backbend are the two best yoga poses to practice in the morning. Side stretches warm your body with easy and gentle movement and opens your body.
Spot a comfortable place in your home, stretch your arm upwards, and bend your back slightly to elongate your body. Exhale and bring your hand down to the side of your body but keep another hand still raised. Lower your body to your sides to stretch your waist, neck, and sides. This will provide a nice stretch to your ribs and the sides of your body. Repeat the whole cycle at least five times in each session.
Standing forward fold (Uttanasana)
Start from the tadasana and keep your hands on your hips. Now exhale and bend your upper torso from your hips. You can place your hands near your toes, hold your elbows with your opposite hands, and let your head hang. Engage your quadriceps muscles to give your hamstring a nice stretch. Stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds and release gently.
Most people now have a desk job that requires them to sit in front of their computer most of the day; hence it is better to do some yoga stretches right at the beginning of your day. Sitting all day long can lead to losing your muscle mass, so stretching out in the morning is best. Forward fold not only help to stretch the body but also enhances blood flow towards the brain, leaving you energized.
Down Dog:
To get down on this pose:
- Start with a tabletop position keeping your knees beneath your hips and palms underneath your shoulder.
- Raise your hips towards the ceiling keeping your body and legs straight. If you feel uncomfortable, you can bend your knees a little.
- Push your tailbone upwards, lengthen your spine, and you will feel a nice stretch in the quad muscle.
- Try to hold the pose for 30 seconds and then release it gently.
Warrior One pose
Start with tadasana and calm your mind. Breathe and draw yourself in the present moment. Now stretch your feet at least 4 to 5 widths apart according to your comfort, and turn your right foot at 90 degrees and left foot inwards at a 45-degree angle. Inhale and lengthen your spine; hold this pose for at least 30 seconds, then release gently. Now exhale, bend over your right knee, and stretch your arms over your head in Namaste.
It will be best if you can practice these yoga poses early in the morning to kickstart your morning thebest way.