Exploring the Effects of Meditation & Yoga on High Blood Pressure
Posted On : 30 November 2018.
Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.
Hypertension or high blood pressure has become a common health condition nowadays. Unhealthy lifestyle and stress and anxiety from work or personal issue that leads to high blood pressure. Hypertension is like a silent killer that shows no symptoms unless you get yourself checked and leads to some serious health conditions like heart attacks and strokes. So naturally, the treatment of hypertension or high blood pressure lies in a healthy body and mind. Here comes yoga in the scenario, yoga is a solution to many health problems. Practicing yoga and pranayama can drastically reduce hypertension. Yoga poses while practicing involves deep conscious breathing also helps in controlling high blood pressure. Especially in the case of high blood pressure, practicing yoga and pranayama.
Benefits of Yoga and Pranayama for High Blood Pressure
The primary reason for high blood pressure is lack of exercise, high consumption of salt, alcohol, smoking and even weight gain. However, this can be eliminated with the help of yoga. Here are some of the major benefits of practicing yoga and pranayama in reducing blood pressure.
- It helps in controlling the blood circulation in the body.
- It soothes our nervous system and lowers the heart rate.
- It helps in bringing in strength in body.
- Practicing yoga and pranayama help in relaxing your body and soul.
- It will bring in the positive energy in your body that will direct you towards something good.
- In adding to this, it is best to help you can get for your sleeping disorder or insomnia.
- It will help you to maintain a proper lifestyle so that you can avoid unhealthy and unhygienic life.
Here are some of the best yoga and pranayama exercises for high blood pressure
There are so many yoga poses for high blood pressure and pranayama one can practice for high blood pressure in order to get rid of the problem. Here are some of the best yoga asana and pranayama used for stable soul and mind.
1. Child Pose
Start from a tabletop position keeping your knees beneath your hips and hands beneath your shoulder. Now sit on your heels keeping your knees together or apart according to your comfort. Bend your upper torso forward while exhaling. Try to touch your forehead on the yoga mat and stretch your hands in front of you on the mat. Stay in this yoga pose for at least 6 to 7 breaths and then release gently.
Child pose or Balasana is highly beneficial for people suffering from hypertension. Child poses releasing the stress that is the root cause for the hypertension. It increases the blood circulation in the body and also practicing controlled breathing while practicing child pose induces calmness.
2. Forward Bend Pose
Sit on your yoga mat keeping your spine upright with your legs stretched forward in front of you. Take a long inhale and stretch your arms above your head. Now exhale and while exhaling bend your upper torso from your hips. Stretch your arms as much as you were possible till your toes and rest your forehead on your knees. Hold this pose for according to your comfort and then release gently.
Paschimottasana or seated forward bend help in reducing your abdominal fat hence aiding us in weight loss and help in getting back in shape. Also, it acts as the best stress reliever which aids in reducing high blood pressure.
3. Corpse Pose
Lie down on your yoga mat keeping your legs straight and arms resting beside you. Let your feet relaxed and drop open, close your eyes and breath naturally. Relax your face and entire body and feel the breath flowing in your body, Stay in corpse pose for at least 10 to 30 minutes.
Shavasana is the most effective yoga pose to help with fatigue, depressing and also stress relieving. It is the best yoga pose you can try on since it will instantly relax your body, improve the blood circulation and help in getting your much-deserved sleep.
4. Anulum Vilom Pranayama
Sit in a Sukhasana pose keeping your spine erect and shoulder relaxed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in from your right nostril, hold your breath and close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale from your left nostril. Now Inhale from your left nostril keeping your right nostril closed. Hold your breath and close your left nostril from your ring finger and exhale via your right nostril.
Repeat this at least 10 to 15 times and return to your normal breathing.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama heals your nervous system and increases the capacity of your lungs. It is also very effective in treating high blood pressure, asthma and migraine.
Bhramari Pranayama
Sit on your yoga mat keeping your back straight and legs crossed. Close your eyes with your index fingers. Inhale and hold your breath for few seconds and while exhaling makes a humming sound like a bee. Repeat the cycle for at least 2 to 3 time and then return to your normal breath.
Bhramari pranayama is one of the most effective pranayamas to calm your nerves and increases concentration level and lower your stress and hypertension level.