What is yoga philosophy?
Posted On : 28 November 2018.
Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.
It is the question that many people ask, but still, many need clarification. Discovering yoga is discovering your true self that embraces the understanding and adaption of everyday life. Not everyone sees yoga as the source of defining peace; some think of it, and some take it as a source of fit only, but yoga is much more profound than just a mere form of physical posture. The physical practice of yoga asana is just a part of it. Yoga is not just a tool to become more flexible but more mindful at the core; it is a practice of your union with the divinity. It surpasses all the boundaries beyond our ego and the mind. It is all about falling into the divine consciousness; of course, its effect also shows on the body.
So what exactly yoga philosophy means? And why it matters?
With the help of yoga philosophy, we create harmony between physical, mental, and emotional health. According to yoga philosophy, every human being is a connection between his Prakriti and his consciousness. According to the Patanjali yoga sutra, the ethical guidelines of Yama Niyama lead to Samadhi. Yoga philosophy shows us the blueprint of leading a happy and peaceful life, An innate happiness that changes into lifelong contentment, Sound health that keeps our mind and body vibrant and a peace that not only calms our soul but also manifests around your world.
Here are some of the major factors through which one can meet the core objective of yoga:
Relaxation and Peace of Mind
Once you start practising yoga regularly, you will see significant improvement in your mental and physical health, concentration of life goals, and self-awareness. As we move forward with physical posture, breathing practices, and meditation, it calms our mind, and we start seeing the world differently. Intensive yoga posture teaches us to endure and handle stressful situations more calmly.
Breathing and meditation stop every mental chatter and relieve us from everyday stress. The most profound benefit of practising yoga is that it controls your anger, builds patience and increases spiritual vitality.
Proper diets and eating habits
The practice of mindfulness comes with yoga, and the regular practice of yoga will make you eat healthily and mindfully. When you start practising yoga, you will notice that you will start abstaining from junk food from your diet and start eating clean. You will become aware of what and when you are eating. Getting the proper nutrition at the right time is the core of a healthy life. People who practice yoga start eating clean food like fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, and other nutritional food, which help them maintain good health.
Exercise and beautiful life
There is no doubt that yoga holds a lot of importance when it is done rightfully. The physical posture that our body goes into and comes out; our body comes into the union with itself. By practising these intense yoga asanas, we start understanding our body like a vessel and become an observer of every action and thought we put into it. All this science shows its impact on our physical body, making it more agile and flexible.
Meditation and inner happiness
It is one of the most essential guidelines of yoga and its philosophy. It helps relieve every tension in the body and mind, clear out every negative emotion and make a new way for us to reach our goals. While we put ourselves to dhyana or meditation, we become like an observer of our thoughts, letting them flow but not controlling them.
It is the same even though we sit in Sukhasana, close our eyes and breathe, yet we are fully aware of our surroundings. This helps us improve our five senses, giving us a path to reach the top.