

how to deal with stress

What is stress?

We all have come across the feeling of stress and anxiety in our life. Due to our change in lifestyle, a lot has changed in our life. Many new forms of stress have arrived in today’s life for examples we waking early for your work, running after deadlines or late night studying there is so much juggling and so much to balance. It gives rise to stress that is a natural feeling of not being able to handle and cope with the changes going around us. Not only it can arise from the work front but also arise from the personal relationship or some personal emotion that can hamper the mental wellbeing that can give you stress.

How does stress affect our health?

It is a natural body mechanism to deal with unwanted threat or challenge by producing large amount of cortisol, epinephrine and nor epinephrine. As our body is designed to cope with any stress and react to it. Sometimes stress can be positive for our health as it prepares our body to be focused, alert and motivated. However, it becomes negative when it starts taking a toll on your body taking up all of your energy. When this situation of fear and tension become persistent and become so intimidating to start interfering with your everyday life. That means it is something that needs to address as it starts disrupting not only your internal equilibrium and lead to headache, blood pressure and in its severe form lead to depression and anxiety.

Yoga to deal with stress and anxiety

Yoga is a mind and body discipline originated thousands of years ago and has many complementary health benefits. When it comes to managing stress and anxiety yoga works like magic. Yoga works on the principle of connecting mind and body discipline and helps you to achieve the calm and peaceful state of the body as well as mind. Yoga combines many stress releasing techniques that include yoga posture, breathing techniques or pranayama that relax your body and calm your mind.

When it comes to tackling stress, a simple practice of yoga and meditation can work like magic. When you start your day on a positive note and feeling relaxed, it becomes easy to tackle those challenges which life throws at you. Yoga poses involve stretching that helps in releasing stress and tension from your body which is deeply seating in your muscles and tissues. Hatha yoga poses allow you to stretch out your spine, lower back and hips and release that tension that has been seating their from the longest time so that you can release it in a healthy way.

Breathing is a key

You may have noticed that when you are stressed your breath become short and shallow that cause even more anxiety. Yoga incorporates deep breathing exercises that are pranayama that acts as a bridge to connect your mind and body and lower down the level of stress. Yoga allows you to breath freely and using your full lungs and diaphragm capacity. Practicing nadi shodhana, brahmri that induce deep relaxation. Pranayama is an integral part of every beginner's yoga course in India where you can learn some deep breathing exercises under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher.

It relaxes your mind

When we are stressed or anxious our mind started racing to an extent of panic. Then focusing on a particular task for us; at this moment meditation becomes an incredibly powerful tool to cease your racing mind. The practice of deep yogic breathing while doing meditation help you to stay focused. Meditation instils the practice of mindfulness in you that help you stay in the present moment and become aware of the moment. This practice of mindfulness shows in holding every yoga posture and suddenly you become focused and everything comes down in alignment when you hold your breath as a key. Over the period of time and with the regular practice you will learn to be present and aware.

It helps you to release all the emotional energy

When you feel tensed and stressed for a long time it started manifesting your body in your lower back, shoulder and your hips. Negative emotion like fear, guilt if not released properly in an unrefined way built pressure in our body. The practice of yoga help in releasing that tension and stress in an effective way through the help of yoga poses. Especially hip opener and poses that open your shoulder are highly effective in releasing the stress that is deeply ingrained in your body.

Stress prevents you from doing things you actually you want to do in your life. And it actually took a lot more effort to seep those stress feeling in your body than to get on the mat and release it. However, it needs an intention so grab your mat and get started with your yoga practice to release that emotional buildup.

AYM Yoga School in rishikesh, Offers various yoga courses in india all courses are registered with Yoga Alliance, USA.