Om is one of the most sacred sounds In Hinduism and is considered to have a very high creative and spiritual power. It is a sacred mantra from ancient Vedic times that personifies the divine energies. This sacred sound has three vital divine features: creation, protection, and liberation. According to Hindu tradition, this OM is the basic sound of the universe and contains the whole universe. The meaning of OM is profound and represents the sound of the divine and all the possible triads of time and place.
The power of this universal sound
When pronounced correctly, the Om consists of four syllables: A, U, M, and the silent one. According to the ancient Vedas, OM is the highest vibration of supreme divinity and the name of God and symbolizes the three major gods of Hinduism. The syllable A represents Brahma, the creator of the universe; U is pronounced as OO and symbolizes Vishnu, the God of preservation; and M, which is pronounced as 'mmm', represents the Hindu deity Shiva-Shakti, the God of liberation or destruction.
OM reminds us that we can move beyond our physical and mental circumstances, surpass our consciousness, and connect with the divinity. When we chant the OM mantra, the Beginning syllable begins from the solar plexus or Manipura chakra and sends its vibration higher in the chest. The sound of the second syllable, U, moves up towards the throat and along the upper palate. M the third syllable, activates all the vibrations to the upper chakras. The final syllable is silent, representing the infinite silence as the vibration moves through your chakras and your body to the universe.
Why do we chant OM mantra?
Everything in this universe is vibrational energy, and it is always moving, never still. The Sound of OM, when it is chanted correctly, vibrates at the frequency of 432 HZ, which is the cosmic frequency of all human beings; hence, it connects us with all the sounds and vibrational energy of the universe. So, when we chant it, we become attuned physically and mentally to the universe's vibration energies.
Recent studies have shown that chanting the OM mantra induces a deep state of relaxation, similar to meditation, and has a profound effect on the autonomous nervous system that regulates blood pressure, metabolism, and other internal functions. It also improves the health of your heart and reduces stress and anxiety.
You might be thinking of how it is used in Yoga, so here are the uses of Om:
Many of you have witnessed OM chanting at the beginning and end of yoga class. It is one of the most significant sounds in the yoga mantra tradition. At the beginning of yoga class, the Om connects us with ourselves, our strengths, and our egos. As this sound moves, it connects the energy of the mind to the universal energies, and with the residing sound, it creates the sensation of unison with your body to the universe body. It prevents distractions and helps you focus your mind on yoga practice. It is the best and most effective way to set the tone and intention for the class. While at the end of the yoga class, it is used as a way of citing that your practice has come to an end.
Pranava yoga is a form of Yoga, also known as OM yoga meditation, that heavily relies on the sound of OM. Here, the practitioners have to sit comfortably with their hands on their knees or thighs and chant the mantra OM silently while breathing deeply simultaneously. The impact of this sacred mantra is so strong that you even forget the sound of your voice and become one with your fellow yogis. Chanting OM with your fellow yogis in the yoga class strengthens the bond between each other.
Whether at the beginning or end of a yoga class, the chanting of AUM/ OM helps the practitioner connect with their practice and themselves on a much deeper level.