The 10 Best Things to Know Before Meditation
Posted On : 10 Feb 2021.
Are you new to meditation? Or do you want to know how you can meditate? Trust us, sitting down to meditate is the best thing you can do for yourself, yet it can be the most challenging thing to practice. For some people, it might look strange that sitting still, closing your eyes, and doing nothing for a while can calm your mind and make you productive. Hence, it is natural yet essential to seek professional experience when it comes to meditating. If you want to build a firm meditation practice, you can join a seven-day yoga retreat in Rishikesh to help build a firm meditation practice. Also, one can enrol in a yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh offered by AYM Yoga School, where you can learn about different meditation practices, guided meditation, and the practice of meditation. However, to build a home meditation practice, you must remember these things. Also, these tips will help you to build the best meditation experience.
Here are the 10 best things to know before starting your meditation practice:
Create a Space
To begin your meditation practice, it is essential to build a space. Before meditating, it is important to choose a quiet, comfortable space where you are less likely to be disturbed. Even though meditation can be practised anywhere, it is recommended that you choose a quiet place if you are a complete beginner.
Convenient Time
Meditation requires complete relaxation. It would be best if you chose a convenient time for yourself. Whether it is morning or mid-morning, choose a time when you can have the freedom to practice your meditation. Commit to practising it at the same time in the same place. This will help build a strong and lasting habit.
Relax your Body
To meditate successfully, it is essential to relax your body and sit comfortably with your back straight. Keep your spine erect, yet your shoulder and neck relaxed. Many beginners, to concentrate, tense their body muscles, which makes them stressed. The key is to relax more as you focus on your breath.
Make breathe your focal point
To allow yourself to settle into the practice, take a few moments to get comfortable in your breath and use it as an anchor to still your mind. You can practice a few pranayama techniques, such as Nadi shodhan pranayama, to calm your mind and ease your breathing.
Set an Intention
This is a powerful tool for building a successful meditation practice. Set an intention of what you want to achieve with your meditation practice and what your primary focus is. Reminding yourself of this before every meditation practice will help you go deep into your meditation practice.
Do not expect your mind to go completely blank
This is one of the most important things you must know before beginning your meditation practice. People often think that to do meditation, one needs to stop thinking. It is the nature of our mind to jump from one thought to another. Our mind is unique and radiant; you cannot switch it off. You mustn't have to try to make a complete stop to your thoughts; all you have to do is just let them flow and pick up the observer role.
Do not resist your thoughts
People new to meditation often experience a surge of negative emotions that make them restless and anxious while practising. We think these thoughts are bad and need to get rid of them, but there is no switch off. Most of the time, people get discouraged and leave midway. However, rather than resisting these thoughts with all your strength, allow them to flow freely and let go.
Don't judge yourself
As humans, we tend to judge things, and when we start meditating, we also start judging our practice, whether it is wrong or good. Instead, next time you begin your practice, take a moment to notice those patterns and if you are a bit tense. Meditation is not something that you need to master ASAP. It is a skill that you constantly work on every day.
Get to know your inner self
The practice of meditation is not just about deepening your concentration. It is all about learning how our mind works and its patterns. Try to understand your deepest self, full of love, gratitude, and happiness. Try to understand the pattern; eventually, you will get in sync with your happier self.
Lastly, put a gentle smile on your face
This is something that should not be missed and not be negotiated. When you smile, your body releases endomorphin, a mood enhancer that naturally relaxes your body. So next time you meditate, put a gentle smile on your face and make your practice more peaceful, relaxed and full of happy thoughts.
So when you are beginning your meditation practice ?