Prevention of coronavirus
Posted On : 31 January 2020.
Prevention of Coronavirus through Agnihotra
I have performed Agnihotra daily at AYM Yoga Training Centre for 15 years. Through this, I can remove coronavirus in 7 to 10 days from any infected city anywhere in the world. Agnihotra is a speedy method of treatment of diseases of every kind. In this kind of treatment, we burn the medicine that is good for treating that disease. After burning that medicine, molecules of that medicine are inhaled by the patients every day for a few minutes. When we burn any substance, it turns into gas states. For example, if you burn red chills, it turn from a solid state to gases form. Thus, you feel chills in the air after burning.
So if you burn the whole natural herbal medicine, it turns into the gas or molecular form, and if the patient inhales, that particular gas will be healed up very fast.
All chemical weapons are based on the principles of the Agnihotra or fire. If you burn poison, it turns molecular form, and if anyone inhales, it will die. So I want to say that through Agnihotra, we can magnify any substance into gases and molecular form.
In the case of coronavirus, which is spreading through air or contact, we can induce herbal medicine in the air of a particular city to increase people's immunity in a particular city, reason, or area.
We need to perform Agnihotra at every one-kilometer area in that particular city where it is spreading on a large scale. As per the area of the city, we need to choose many locations every kilometer and conduct the Agnihotra with giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). So I need many hundred-kilogram of giloy, ghee, and mango wood, and at the same time, at many places, the Agnihotra will be conducted for a few days, and it is possible to remove coronavirus in a few days totally from any region. Even though there is not much research on this Agnihotra.
Agnihotra is an ancient process taken from Vedas but based on principles of science. It is performed in many places in India still, but its tradition is going down due to the Modernisation of the human
Agnihotra is an ancient Indian technique of purifying the atmosphere by burning mango tree wood and the medicinal and herbal collection.
There are three main ingredients of the Agnihotra.
- Purify butter (Ghee)
- Mango wood (Aam ki Lakdi)
- Samigri or Herbal Collection
How we can control coronavirus through (Tinospora Cordifolia) or Giloy
There are many medicines which described in the Ayurveda for treatment of the communicable disease. For example Giloya (Tinospora Cordifolia) is very effective medicine for respiratory and any kind infectious diseases. Giloy is also grows in large amounts and easily available best medicine for the treatment of coronavirus.
Coronavirus and it's treatment through Yoga
Yoga is one of the best preventive medicine in the world but when it comes to the cure and treatment of a disease which is already showing its symptoms than yoga can only treat psychosomatic diseases. Yoga is slow in its treatment but it works on the root cause of the disease. In case of coronavirus yoga can help but boosting immunity power to fight against the virus. The best postures in yoga for increasing immunity power is inversion postures. Due to inversions our bodies white blood cells circulates nicely resulting in the improvement of immunity power of any individual. There are some researches which demonstrate that immunity poer increase through inversion postures.
Coronavirus and it's Treatment through Ayurveda
Boosting immunity power through ayurvedic herbal medicines also known as tonics in ayurved.