4th international yoga day 2018: PM MODI
Posted On : 21 June 2018.
Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.
More than 50000 aspirants gathered in the FRI institute of Dehradun was lead by prime minister narendra modi to mark the 4th international yoga day 2018 accompanied by Uttrakhand Governor K.K. Paul, State Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and Ayush Minister Shripad Naik .
AYM (association of yoga and meditation) students were able to have an experience of this enormous event to be reflected towards within them and what makes them yogi/yogini. Students had an excitement and enthusiast to perform yoga on such a huge ground not just connecting the physical aspect but the psychic and sprit. Participants were honored by prime minister and also was seen in joy with souvenir of yoga mat, yoga t-shirt and will get certification for it
Address the Prime Minister:
"From Dehradun to Dublin, from Shanghai to Chicago, from Jakarta to Johannesburg, yoga is everywhere, people were celebrating the day with mass yoga performances everywhere, from beaches to mountain tops - even at 19,000 feet above sea level in the Himalayas like the ITBP ´Him veers· in Ladakh. Not just India, countries around the world are celebrating today as International Yoga Day.
Uttrakhand: dev bhoomi (land of deities, demigods, spirits):Prime minister boons the facts of the state by how the energies of this land is been ordered as such to create the journey to reveal the self gets enhanced in this region of the mid Himalayas .yoga is always been centered in these mountains giving this tremendous knowledge since the ancient time of Vedas from the rishis ved vyasa to agustmuni.from shankaracharya to vivekanada ,the land where the god(cosmic force)is still residing Where yoga was originated to create a vision for the humanity .where ayurveda and other many scriptures or sages were contemplating in the mattes of Shiva seen as the mountains of Himalayas
Being an Indian also one should be proud of the fact that yoga is maintained and cultured overall these times since the ancient, we should keep maintain this tradition and try to protect it from getting diluted or adulterated now which is transforming the viewpoint of specially in the western world and bringing all the countries over globe into oneness with yoga.
Knowing that this fast busy stressful life where one doesn’t have time for the self to contemplate that’s where the yoga helps to be still at balance and serene within themselves. No boundaries can be created in mankind if yoga is been incorporated, no dessert can dry nor mountain can hide one. all regions will come together the force of yoga is not within the duality it is universal .where the body ,mind , intellect ,spirit all becomes one . Where one become one with family, with the neighbors, with the society, city, country, globe and universal that yoga teaches us about
History in the UN : when the idea of making it global ,introducing world yoga at united nations it was first time ever that 170 nations came together to support and was implemented as fastest approval by the united nation by the efforts of narendra modi. People are aware of the fact how yoga Is been helping the mankind to stay at peace in this war like situation what we have created around us and that’s what makes one believe in yoga because one can see by their own direct experience
Being the perfect solution to bind the world together and perform this understanding on global level and reap the benefits of humankind. Rise in the hope towards the self and for the others should be the motive of each which makes a yogi in each one. The world is constantly changing everything transform one has to contemplate on the self through that how it’s all knowledge which moves but moves not, which has motion and motionless. happiness and brotherhood between the world where technology becomes the medium to connect the world on yoga .where India has seen the effects of bringing it to the world with help of yoga and how the world has accepted over it and making it powerful country with one and with peace with each around the globe where health and well being its core practice. I wish everyone one to practice yoga and those who have not started can start now to experience a beautiful harmonious growth in the self. Where this international yoga day becomes the auspicious date to start their self journey. Let us know yoga through yoga.