How to support wellbeing During Covid-19
Posted On : 22 December 2020.
Covid-19 pandemic has made everyone vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Although there are many factors that make everyone vulnerable to stress such as work, study, relationship and finances but covid- 19 has compounded to it. During this pandemic, yoga came as a powerful tool to deal with the uncertainty of lockdown and isolation and also to maintain the physical and mental wellbeing of the people.
During the period of lockdown, many practitioners resort to yoga to deal with stress and anxiety caused due to pandemic. Many yoga schools came up with their online yoga course to support their students due this period of uncertainty and the enrollment of people to online yoga course shows the growing importance of yoga during a covid-19 pandemic. Now the lockdown has eased and many yoga schools in Rishikesh has opened their gates for onsite yoga teacher training courses. It has started a new fear among practitioners to go out for a yoga teacher training course amid the fear of catching the virus.
To ensure that your students are very well supported in the class during covid-19 here are some tips that can help you:
Ask them how they are feeling
Even though it may sound very simple, but it can create a huge impact on your students. This gives them a chance to open up what they are feeling at the moment and ease their feelings. Yoga class give practitioners a chance to get in the touch with their feelings and thoughts this could trigger the emotional response in some of your students. It is a practice that let you dig deep inside yourself through the means of physical practice. When we ask you to check with your student's feelings you don't have to give them a piece of advice, but it might surely give them a chance to open up about their feelings, and your act of asking and taking an interest in their wellbeing is enough to show your support to the students.
Pay attention that your students are regular into a class
When we talk about mental wellbeing it is not something which can be easily visible to everyone like a physical injury. Daily physical activity is very much important to keep your mind busy and actually good for your mental health as any sort of physical exercise helps in releasing endorphins that instantly uplift the moods. Pay attention whether a student or two are coming to class late or skipping the class.
Well, in that case, one can encourage their students to join immersive one-month long yoga teacher training course. This will encourage your student to attend the course as also give them an opportunity to get into some sort of physical activity.
Stay Connected
Lockdown has shown every one of us the importance of staying connected to your peers as a human it is our nature to stay in the community. In yoga, we are blessed to be a part of the global yoga community where we all are connected with the fellow yogis of all over the world and share the passion for yoga through Facebook groups. Ask your students to become a part of your school yoga group or the page where you can practice yoga with everyone. AYM yoga school’s online yoga teacher training allows you to practice yoga with fellow yogis from all over the world. This will help you immensely you are struggling with the feeling of isolation as this will give you a sense of belongingness which is very important for your mental health.
Ask them to seek professional help
Mental health is important as if your student is suffering from some sort of emotional stress it's going to reflect in their behavior. If you notice this then it is best to direct them towards professional help. As a yoga teacher, you are bound to a career which is associated with the wellbeing of the people but yoga teachers are not the therapist. You might lend them ears but it is best to direct them towards professional help. You can put it on your Facebook page or a notice board where they can see it and encourage them to seek help if they are feeling some sort of issue.
Covid-19 has indeed created a tough situation for everyone and as the studies has shown the number of people suffering from stress and anxiety is skyrocketing. You can use these tips to support your students in case they are suffering from emotional imbalances during this challenging time.